To access the full library of training videos one must be registered with us as an advertising business, an Experience Community partner or a participating Canada Adventure Seeker.
How Do I Edit My Story Content After it is Published? Another quality online training course available on the Moose Academy.
How to build your profile to start engaging with the Travel Talk Community on the Experience Community program or as an Adventure Seeker, or small business.
How to add a park, trail, historic site, beach, lake, river, picnic site, etc to a community, region, as well as, to the Travel Talk Community and throughout the website.
How to post a video using the tools and techniques so to publish effectively on the Travel Talk Community and to your personal travel profile on eh Canada Travel.
How do I share posts and content on the eh Canada Travel content marketing, influencer system.
Learn how to set up your personal profile with email and system alerts so you can by notified when other interact or engage with your content.
What are the best social media platforms for tourism - Moose Academy?
learn how to add a quick post to the live feed on Canada and my profile? Moose Academy Training Library
How to create an effective photo gallery using our proven authentic content tools and techniques.
In this course there is a photo gallery checklist for creating good quality photo content using our tools and systems.
Course on writing content in a passive voice? The passive voice is used to show the person or object that experiences an action.